Monday 18 April 2011

How Powerful are Your Words ?

I am grateful to my Facebook friend Clive Dickens for posting this wonderful short film.

Whatever kind of advertising medium you favour, this film reminds us that that it is always possible to add powerful meaning to even the most ordinary of propositions.

That doesn't mean you need to spend squillions on your advertising campaign. For local and regional radio advertisers, all it takes is a little bit of extra thought.

...Which for some reason, only a small amount of local and regional radio advertisers tend to do !

Let it be known that constantly spending your advertising money on telling listeners you've cut your prices is flawed strategy. In this day an age, it is essential that radio advertisers invest in attracting new believers. And to do that, you have to 'frame' your proposition in a completely different way to your competitors. The film Clive posted is a perfect example of that.

Come on. Challenge Airforce to take your proposition and present it from a completely different angle.

You can listen to examples of our radio commercials, radio adverts & jingles here.

John Calvert

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